DriverFix is a driver monitoring and driver updating software program for Windows. DriverFix scams all your device drivers, and searches the web for the recent updates. DriverFix allows you to update them immediately or download the missing ones. It scans your drivers against a broad database of over 18 million driver files, there is a high chance that you will find the correct drivers on that database.
Drivers need constant updating to be able to support the recent software features. Occasionally, it is easy to forget this, and you end up having a driver that is 3 years old if you are not paying attention to your drivers.
DriverFix allows you to back up, and save your PC drivers into a compressed zip file. This feature is essential because A driver update can cause malfunctions sometimes.
DriverFix is the best for window users. It doesn’t work with any other operating system.
DriverFix works automatically, but there is also a manual free-trial version. Its main objective is scanning your PC for old and outdated drivers, then it locates the recent ones from its regularly revised database, and downloads the relevant drivers through its interface. Since DriverFix does this automatically, you do not have to worry about doing this by yourself.
The scanning starts as soon as you open the program, and it takes less than a minute. The only problem is that if you do not update them immediately, and you leave the program open, you will continuously receive annoying popups encouraging you to finish the process. To avoid this issue, you can close the program and update your drivers whenever you are ready.
To download DriverFix to your PC, you have to download the program from their official website. First, you download the installation file, then you can either download the free version or the paid version. You have to pay first before using the paid version. DriverFix accepts various payment methods including PayPal, credit or debit cards, Webmoney, etc.
Once the program starts, it will scan your PC, and it will give you immediate results. The results for the missing or outdated drivers are shown in a list. You can update them individually if you are using the free version, or they can update all of them if you are using the paid version. One problem with the free version is the annoying pop-ups that urge you to update your drivers, these pop-ups feel invasive. However, if you have the paid version of DriverFix these pop-ups will not bother you.
Is DriverFix Free?
DriverFix is not free, it is available through a monthly or annual subscription. However, downloading DriverFix is free. The yearly subscription has a significant discount compared to the monthly subscription. There is a free trial version available, but you will not get a lot of functionality.
DriverFix has three packages. You can purchase;
- Personal Pack: $19.95 per year, or $4.75 per month. For 1 PC.
- Family Pack: $29.95 per year, or $7.13 per month. For 3 PCs.
- Extended Pack: $39.95 per year, or $9.51 per month. For 10 PCs.
As you can see, there is a significant discount applied to the annual payments, it is advisable to choose a yearly payment.
DriverFix does have a 60-day money-back guarantee, but the only way to get a refund from DriverFix is by uninstalling the software from your PC, and you have returned your PC to its normal state. However, this is not easy to do.
Is DriverFix Safe?
DriverFix is a safe program, although it does have its advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages are;
- Locates and downloads the latest drivers.
- Replaces any missing drivers.
- Easy-to-use interface.
- Fixes damaged drivers.
Some disadvantages are;
- It may need to be whitelisted by certain antivirus programs for it to work.
- Only has a few additional features.
- It only works with Windows.
Is DriverFix Legit?
DriverFix is definitely a legit program, even though some users have said it does not work for them, it is still one of the best driver updating software for Windows.
DriverFix has simple yet very effective features. Some of these features are;
- Fast scanning of hardware.
- Easy updates.
- Download Manager: this in-built download manager allows you to download the new drivers in one go, and it shows you the progress of each file.
- Safe Backups.
- Scheduled scanning.
DriverFix does not have any other free version where you can try the automatic installation process. You can only try this feature if you pay for it. If you are not pleased with the paid version of the DriverFix program, you are entitled to a 60-day money-back guarantee. DriverFix has enough settings to give you enough control over things like tray minimizing and start-up launching.
There is no doubt that DriverFix is legit, it has the capability to do its primary task.
Is DriverFix Good?
DriverFix is a good program, even though it does not have some extra features that rival driver updater have, DriverFix does its main task perfectly. DriverFix provides the latest compatible driver for your hardware component, straight from the manufacturer. DriverFix makes the long and stressful procedure of manually updating your driver easier, it is done automatically. This saves a lot of time.
The minimum system requirements for running DriverFix are:
- Operating system: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10.
- Memory: 512mb or more.
- Requires internet connection.
- Processor: 1 GHz Intel/AMD or faster CPU.
- Hard drive disk space: 100mb of free space.
On DriverFix you can set up schedules to scan your PC drivers, this ensures that your drivers are always in check.
You do not have to waste time individually updating each driver, DriverFix updates all outdated drivers with the click of a button.
DriverFix is fully automated. You do not need a lot of technical knowledge to use DriverFix. It has an easy-to-use interface.
DriverFix Reviews on Reddit
Although people have said that DriverFix is a good program, some users are still unsure about DriverFix.
Some users say that DriverFix does not work for them. Some have said that it keeps crashing. However, some users will say that DriverFix is a legit program, and some users have said that it is an amazing program and their customer service is excellent. They solve your issues in a short amount of time.